A movie and an episode that is available to buy or rent will always have a price.
A series or a season that is available to buy or rent may have a price or not.
If the price is available, that means the entire series or the season can be bought or rented as a whole
for the given price.
If the price is null, that means sub-items of the series or the season are available to buy or rent,
but it is not possible to buy or rent the entire series or the season as a whole at once.
In this case, the price of the sub-items can be found in the episodes or seasons array.
Price of the renting or buying the item.
A movie and an episode that is available to buy or rent will always have a price.
A series or a season that is available to buy or rent may have a price or not. If the price is available, that means the entire series or the season can be bought or rented as a whole for the given price. If the price is null, that means sub-items of the series or the season are available to buy or rent, but it is not possible to buy or rent the entire series or the season as a whole at once. In this case, the price of the sub-items can be found in the episodes or seasons array.