Interface ChangeWithShow

A change object represents a future or past change in a streaming catalog. It contains the details such as the type of the change (could be past change such as like new, updated, removed; or a future change such as expiring, upcoming), the affected item type (show, season or episode), timestamp of the change and more.

Via change endpoints, you can get the most recent updates in the streaming catalogs. On top of the changes, you can also get the details of the affected shows. Every change object has a showId field. You can find the list of shows affected by the changes in the shows field of the response, and match the show ids with the showId field of the change objects.


interface ChangeWithShow {
    addon?: Addon;
    changeType: ChangeType;
    episode?: number;
    itemType: ItemType;
    link?: string;
    season?: number;
    service: ServiceInfo;
    show: Show;
    showId: string;
    showType: ShowType;
    streamingOptionType: StreamingOptionType;
    timestamp?: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


addon?: Addon

Addon info, if the streamingOptionType is addon. Otherwise omitted.


changeType: ChangeType

Type of the change.


episode?: number

Number of the episode affected from the change. Omitted if item_type is not episode.


itemType: ItemType

Type of the item affected from the change.


link?: string

Deep link to the affected streaming option's page in the web app of the streaming service. This field is guaranteed to be populated when changeType is new, updated, expiring or removed. When changeType is upcoming, this field might be populated or null depending on if the link of the future streaming option is known.


season?: number

Number of the season affected from the change. Omitted if item_type is not seasonor episode.


service: ServiceInfo

Service affected from the change.


show: Show
showId: string

Id of the show affected from the change.


showType: ShowType

Type of the show affected from the change.


streamingOptionType: StreamingOptionType


timestamp?: number

Unix Time Stamp of the change. Past changes (new, updated, removed) will always have a timestamp. Future changes (expiring, upcoming) will have a timestamp if the exact date is known. If not, timestamp will be omitted, e.g. a show is known to be expiring soon, but the exact date is not known.
